React Native Picker
Native picker component for react native, For select through some values.
Installation of React Native Picker
using npm
$ npm install @react-native-community/picker --save
using yarn
$ yarn add @react-native-community/picker
React Native Picker Usage
Now the important thing comes you have to import Picker from the library.
import {Picker} from '@react-native-community/picker';
next you have to create state which you can use by Picker
state = {
language: 'male',
you can add picker component in your code.
style={{height: 50, width: 100}}
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) =>
this.setState({gender: itemValue})
<Picker.Item label="male" value="male" />
<Picker.Item label="female" value="female" />
Important useful Properties (props)
These are the props of the component Picker.
1. onValueChange
Callback for when an item is selected.
parameters :
: thevalue
prop of the item that was selecteditemPosition
: the index of the selected item in this picker
2. selectedValue
Value matching value of one of the items. Can be a string or an integer.
3. enabled
If set to false, the picker will be disabled, i.e. the user will not be able to make a selection.
4. mode
This gives you control on how you want your picker to be, You want dialog or dropdown. It is on android.
- dialog : Show a modal dialog. This is the default.
- dropdown : Shows a dropdown anchored to the picker view
5. prompt
It can provide title of picker on Android.
If you want any other topic you can comment down below.