Best React Native Interview Questions and answers
Every Company want best employee for themself and you want to be part of that company so these React Native Interview Questions you must know. They are gonna ensure your placement.
React Native Interview Questions
1. React Native Fundamentals
For cracking React Native job interview you must know the fundamentals of react native. What is react native and why use react native.
2. React Native Components
React native has some inbuilt components which are essential for use. You must have a basic knowledge of them if you want to secure your job.
These are the general components which are used by many apps. These are the basic core of react native apps.
- Basic Components –
These are the general components which are used by many apps. These are the basic core of react native apps. Gonna explain them with examples in detail for that just click on them.
- View – This is the basic ui element of react native like we have div in html.
- Text – For every text in react native we use this component.
- Image – This component is used to add images in the app.
- TextInput – In forms for the form input we use this component.
- ScrollView – For vertical and horizontal scroll view.
- StyleSheet – This is used to add css styles in react native apps.
2. User interface (UI) –
Basic ui components for the react native app. View, ScrollView and StyleSheet are also part of it but they are the most used components so they are separated into basic components.
- Button – These are the buttons which work on touch. Same like html buttons.
- Switch – These are for boolean input like truth and false.
3. List Views –
In ScrollView we have whole data loaded, so on a small list we can use that. But for advanced lists we use List Views. For example on pagination or infinite scroll these are useful.
- FlatList – This is used for a scrollable list for long content.
- SectionList – This is a new component, if we have a hybrid big list item, the whole section works as an item in SectionList.
4. Native Components –
These are the components which are platform specific. Some work on Android and some on ios which i explain in detail.
- Ios Component – ActionSheetIos
- Android Component – BackHandler, DrawerLayoutAndroid, PermissionAndroid, ToastAndroid.
5. Other Components – these components are used depending on the requirement of the app. ActivityIndicator and alert are most used in these.
For other core components and advance react native components click below
3. React Native Libraries
React native developers create other libraries and make them public for users like us. For complete out tasks we must know about these libraries so these can be very helpful. It is gonna make your first impression very infectious.
These are the most famous react native libraries which you need to know for your interview.
- React native firebase
- React native vector icons
- React native elements
- React navigation
- React native maps
- React native webview
- React native redux
- React native image picker
- React native model
- React native video
- React native camera
- React native splash screens
- React native gesture handler
- React native fbads
- React native swiper
- React native datepicker
- React native image crop picker
- React native router flux
- React native lifecycle
- React native share
- React native storage
- Native base
- React native code push
- React native linear gradient
- React native charts
- React native scrollable tab view
4. Tasks, practical and other important questions
After the verbal round the main thing comes is the practical test or simple tasks. for example
Best React Native Interview Questions and Answers-
Here are other questions which are most commonly asked
How to add image in react native?
Image is basic core component of any application, almost every app have images in them so here you are gonna learn easy and fastest way to add image in react native.
What is difference between React Js and React Native
React Js | React Native |
React js is Javascript library which is used in creating web applications | React native is used to create Hybrid mobile applications. |
React Js supports elements like div, h1 and maximum html elements. So we can say React js have web components | React native has it’s own component like View, Text etc. so React Native have Native Components. |
React Js develops HTML5 apps | React native develop |