React Native ScrollView
In view component we create basic UI component but for long content that is not gonna work. Our content hides and we can’t access it there comes the React native ScrollView.
Syntax of scroll view
import { ScrollView } from 'react-native;
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
... Content ...
also don’t forget to add height to ScrollView or it’s parent, else it can throw error.
React Native ScrollView Working example
Important useful Properties of ScrollView
These are the props of React native ScrollView
1. stickyHeaderIndices
If you want to make any child of scrollview sticky then this property is gonna do that
<ScrollView stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}>
<Text> ... Content ...</Text>
<Text> ... Content ...</Text>
Here we give it 0 so first text is gonna be sticky. at the top
note. – it is not gonna work on horizontal.
2. showsVerticalScrollIndicator
& showsHorizontalScrollIndicator
default is true you can false it if you don’t want scroll indicator.
3. refreshControl
for adding pull-to-refresh on scroll view. It is for verticle only.
4. pagingEnabled
used for horizontal navigator. It stops after elements scroll.
5. indicatorStyle
Here we can give ‘black’ and ‘white’ for indicator according to our theme of app.
6. horizontal
This is most important property. It is for making the scrollview horizontal instead of vertical.
7. contentContainerStyle
as the name suggest it gives style to content container.
If you have any problem comment down below. If you want more information or properties than go to https://reactnative.dev/docs/scrollview