Why react native is so important?

There is a big battle between hybrid mobile app development platforms like react native, flutter, ionic etc. All are good in their own way, all have their pros and cons. But react native’s place is so special. Some say React native’s performance is not better than flutter, but for that you have to learn new language Dart.

convenient to learn

Every web or app developer start their journey with Html, CSS and JavaScript. Most developers know JavaScript so it is convenient to learn react.

Expo done a great job for making react native very easy to start working with.

Big Community

Other important point is that react native has a big community of developers. If we encounter some problem we can always search it on google, their is 99% probability that our problem is already faced by other developers who also share their solutions. So it saves a lot of time of debugging the issue.


There are so many starter kit available for react native. we have so many third party library which make our coding phase a lot easier. For example if we want to create UI than there is a great library called native-base.


React native is updating day by day. Their developer team is constantly making changes for keeping it relevant. It’s performance is also improving. In latest react native versions they also support auto linking of libraries, which ease whole process.

These are the main points which make me believe that react native is very popular and important for us.

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